Get Started in 8 Easy Steps—Tips for Your First Saturday Practice and Sunday Autocross
1. Register on our Forums

Register with your real first and last name on the Cal Club Autocross forum so we can place a username to a face when we see you in person. You can start by asking questions in the New to Autocross/New to Forum section and explore from there.
It will also be helpful to read our Event FAQ and get tips on how to work course.
2. Car Classing and Prep

You don't need a sports car to participate. You can race any car that you want providing that it meets the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) rulebook's minimum safety requirements and is in good working condition. If you would like help classing your car, you can post in this thread on our forum. Your car will be classed according to the rules found on the SCCA website for 'National' classes and the Supplemental Regulations for classes local to Cal Club Autocross. If you don't get your car classed online, you can have it classed at the event at Registration or Tech. Just allow your car to be classed and be ready to learn a ton about driving!
Once you determine your class, we recommend that newcomers also run in the 'Novice' class at our events; this places you against other newcomers and provides a more enjoyable experience.
Once you have classed your car, check that your car has no broken, loose, or missing parts, that it has good working seatbelts, that the battery is properly secured, that it has all lug nuts on the wheels, and there are no leaking fluids.
3. Pre Register Online

Information for Saturday test n tunes/practices and Sunday events are posted online two to four weeks in advance of an event. Sign up at Please read the event information carefully because details will vary from event to event. You need to be a member of the SCCA through either an annual membership or a weekend membership.
If you wish to participate in our year-long points competition for class trophies or Solo Bucks (discounts earned for future events) and jackets/vests/awards that are handed out during our annual Awards Banquet, get priority entry into practices, and would like a 'permanent' number (6xx and 1xxx numbers are TEMPORARY numbers) for autocross events, check the Points Card Listings to see if the number you desire is available, then sign up for a Points Card. Please note that numbers are not needed for practices.
4. Park and Prep

Observe the 25 mph speed limit on the roads leading into and out of our sites unless otherwise posted. When you arrive onsite at the event, park your car in the pit area (parking lot), BEFORE racing—remove all loose objects; tools, jack, etc. For more information on what to obtain or bring, consult the Novice Guide PDF. Also be sure to sign the waiver upon entering the site.
5. Check-In Onsite

Take your driver’s license and SCCA membership card (or proof of SCCA membership) with you to Registration. If you are not an SCCA member, we offer SCCA weekend memberships with a discount toward an annual SCCA membership.
For Saturday practices, all registration needs to be done online and in advance at For Sunday events, registration can be done online in advance (preferred) or onsite (for a higher entry fee).
On Saturday, check-in at registration and you will receive your run/work group sticker.
On Sunday, if you need a temporary number, you will get it there. Next, sign up to work in the appropriate work group for your car’s class.
6. Tech Your Vehicle

Take your car and helmet to “TECH”—an area defined by cones and sign near registration and grid. While in TECH, the Tech Inspector will inspect your car and helmet, if you have one. Helmets should be SNELL or M rated according to the SCCA rulebook. If it passes, the Tech Inspector will affix a “tech” sticker to your windshield. You must get a tech sticker for each driver.
“Loaner” helmets are available—when you get ready to run, you may exchange your driver’s license for a “loaner” helmet at the motorhome. Please return loaner helmets as soon as you are done using them.
Car numbers should be placed on both sides of your car, NOT the windows, and visible to all course personnel. Numbers need to be a minimum height of 8" with class letters at a minimum height of 4". They must also provide enough contrast to be seen, i.e. no blue tape on a black car.
If you have multiple drivers in your car, only one set of numbers should be visible at any one time. Be sure to change numbers between drivers.
7. Walk Course

Novice course walks are available in the morning before Autocross Sunday starts. These will give ideas on how to drive the course. Questions and comments are encouraged on the Novice course walk. Novice course walks are not available on Saturday practice days unless one has been previously arranged by the Event Master in conjunction with the Novice Coordinator.
8. Drive and Work

While you drive (otherwise known as "run") there will be others that watch the course, pick up cones, keep track of cars in pre-grid, and watch the entry gate. In return, you must do these items for them when they run for your work assignment.
Listen to announcements for when you should proceed to the pre-grid to run or report for your work assignment.
For your work assignment, check in and get instructions from the “Chief of Workers.” Failure to work will result in DNW (Did Not Work) and may result in your being banned from future Cal Club Autocross events!
Prior to checking in to work, be sure to use the restrooms, eat, or finish anything else you need to do. Once you check-in, you must proceed directly to your work assignment.
When it is time for your run group, proceed to the pre-grid with your car, helmet, and anything else you might need, like a water sprayer to cool down your tires between runs. Follow all grid instructions. You may ask Grid Worker or Novice Coordinator for an Instructor to drive or ride with you if needed. If you do need an instructor, proceed to the "Instructor Lane" which is on the far side of grid. If you have multiple drivers in your car, line up in the “Multiple Driver” line, which is used to expedite multiple drivers. Passengers are allowed.